Camouflage look Wonderful Representation Method of Pattern Painting Color on Computer 迷彩服式样,伪装型迷彩颜色在计算机上精确显示的方法
Chips of stone, broken tiles, pebbles and fragments of porcelain could make mosaics inexhaustible in pattern and color. 石头片,碎瓦,鹅卵石,碎瓷片都可以使图案形式上色彩上千变万化。
The main and popular in recent years is shape, edge, pattern and color. 其中借用造型艺术形态、镶边、图案和色彩来设计是近年来的流行趋势之一。
And make particular analysis about its variety, pattern and color. 并对其种类、图纹以及色彩做了较细致的解析。
The arts visual language power of expression make up visual information pattern and color, prevalence of substance information; 视觉艺术语言的表达方式,以各种视觉信息形态、色彩所构成的视觉,来表达信息内容;
The Aesthetic Abstractness of Tujia Brocade Displayed by its Pattern and Color 从图案与色彩看土家织锦的审美抽象
Custom banner: You can make new banner by combine background pattern, color, charge, and flag type. 自定义横幅:您可以通过新的旗帜结合背景图案,色彩,国旗类型。
Decoration materials, texture, line pattern and color have major impact on the wall decoration effect. 装修材料的质感、线条图案及色彩设计三方面因素对墙面的装饰装修效果有重要影响。
My forum has changed pattern plate color, but content is updated every day. 我的论坛换过模板风格,但内容天天更新。
There are two methods to control pattern and color of digital jet printing: color management and color chart application. 前言:介绍两种控制织物数码喷射印花图案颜色的方法:色彩管理和色卡的应用;
This article discusses the application of veined pattern, color and modeling of Fengxiang Clay sculpture to modern design. 文章探讨的是凤翔泥塑在纹饰、色彩、造型三个方面带给现代设计的启示。
"Chinese elements"& materials, pattern, color, design, style and technics in Chinese traditional costume are analyzed; 分析了中国传统服饰上的“中国元素”&材料、造型、色彩、图案、款式及工艺;
The patterns of common weft knitted fabrics can be classified into three categories, i.e., structure pattern, color pattern, and structure and color mixed pattern, which are defined in this paper. 常见的纬编织物花纹可分为结构花纹、色彩花纹、结构色彩花纹三种,文中分别对其加以定义。
Material designs should follow the rule of beauty in form and reflect beauty of materials by taking full advantage of inherent characteristic of materials such as material hardness, rough or smooth touch, pattern, color, brightness and sheen. 室内空间的材质设计应当遵循设计的形式美原则,应充分利用材质的故有特性来体现材料之美,如材料的软硬度,质地的细致和粗糙,纹样和肌理,色彩,明度,光泽等。
The Study of Asymmetric Matching Method using in the Effects of Pattern Color on Color Appearance 测试空间频率对色貌影响的非对称匹配视觉实验的设计与研究
The present article, based on the historical background and cultural exchange in the Tang Dynasty, analyzes the unique historical features of the design of its brocade from the angle of pattern and color. 唐文化的交流、整合对唐织锦纹样产生很大的影响,使唐织锦在图形和颜色上独具时代特色。
With the fundamentals of the gray-level histogram and MATLAB package, the camouflage materials effectiveness assessment model and the painting pattern color design model are presented. 应用数字图像灰度直方图分析的基本原理,利用MATLAB等分析处理软件,构造了伪装器材效果评价模型和迷彩图案颜色设计模型。
At present tongue image objectification research involves various fields, such as the standard observation pattern, color space, tongue image automatic diagnosis software. The research scope is big and also involves many subjects and specialties. The discussion of tongue image objectification research is comprehensive. 目前舌象客观化的研究涉及标准观察模式、色彩空间、舌象自动识别软件等多方面,研究范围较大,且涉及多学科、多专业,对舌象客观化的研究开展了较全面的探讨。
The thesis combine and survey and study the materials on the spot, Sum up the characteristic in exterior decoration, interior decoration, and ornament pattern, color, figure which yurt building of Inner Mongolia, analyses the whole intension of the building decoration of yurt. 并结合实地调研资料,归纳总结了内蒙古地区毡帐建筑装饰在建筑外部装饰、室内装饰及装饰图案、色彩、体型等方面的特征,在此基础上分析了毡帐建筑装饰的整体内涵。
In modern marketing and advertising, good brand should have a unique pattern, color, shape content but also have complementary typography design with the brands, that font constraints to strictly regulate the long-term maintenance, in order to make consumer keep memories. 现代市场营销和广告宣传中,优秀的品牌应该在拥有独特的图形、色彩、造型的同时还要有与品牌内涵相辅相成的品牌字体设计、严格规范的字体来进行长期的维护,才能使消费者记忆深刻。
By definition, sum up the design of the three characteristics, namely: the appearance of the carrier should be a product, shape, pattern and color are the three elements of design, is a new design. 由定义出发,归纳出外观设计的三个特征,即:外观的载体应该是产品;形状、图案、色彩是外观设计的三要素;是一种新的设计方案。
Summarize their specific color value and use of color characteristics, obtained by integration of the FengXiang traditional pattern color pedigree. 归纳出其具体色值以及色彩运用特征,经整合得出凤翔传统图样色彩谱系。
By randomly selecting one successful example from the numerous apparel brand logos, the principles proposed in this study are verified from the four perspectives, that is the name, advertising slogan, pattern and color. 从收集的大量服装品牌标识中随机选择一个成功的示例,从标识的名称、广告语、图案和色彩四个方面逐一进行分析,以验证所提出的服装品牌标识设计规则的准确性。
Generally speaking, there are four parts of the Visual Expression of Indoor Fabric: the structure of the fabric, pattern, color and style; its style may divide into two types: the tradition and the modern. 室内纺织品的视觉表现主要包括织物组织结构、图案、色彩和造型四个方面,其风格大概可以分为传统和现代两大类。
Generation to generation over the use of these ancient inheritance from the pattern and color characteristics, life in digestion in the worship of gods and magic illusion brought about by exertion and Hardships, enjoy the happiness and joy of life. 一辈传一辈地反复运用着这些从远古的传承下来的纹样及色彩特征,在神灵崇拜和巫术幻觉中消解生活所带来的劳累与艰辛,享受生命所带来的幸福与快乐。
Right with Yulin style architectural features color for shape, pattern, color, art made rescue of the collection, collation and analysis discussed. 对具有榆林式建筑彩作特色的造型、图案、色彩、技艺作了抢救性的搜集、整理和分析论述。
Our generation should shoulder the burden of heritage protection of traditional Chinese culture with their own professional advantage will be to FengXiang traditional pattern color heritage. 我们这一代应当肩负起传承保护中华传统文化的重担,结合自身专业优势将凤翔传统图样色彩更好地传承下去。
We summarize and analyze five SOHO digital office products 'design factors which are pattern, color, material, function and structure. 以此为基础分析和归纳SOHO数码办公产品的形态、色彩、材质、功能、结构五大设计要素特征。
The third chapter describes the production process of the Dali Bai tie-dye two aspects: the formation process of the pattern and color. 第三章主要描述了大理白族扎染的两个方面:图案的形成过程和色彩的制作工艺。
Both pattern and color of bronze and lacquer ware were important parts of arts and crafts in ancient China. 青铜器和漆器的纹样和色彩艺术是我国古代工艺美术的重要组成部分。